Image consultant

Image consultant
Image consultant: Kalistu Mukoroli

Image consultants help people cultivate a professional or updated appearance. They may work with businesses and/or individual clients to make changes to their looks, communication skills and behavior. Many consultants specialize in a certain area, such as clothing, social etiquette or public speaking.
Kalistu Mukoroli is an image consultant. The duties of an image consultant are to make sure that their clients are well groomed in terms what they wear, how they communicate and also their social etiquette which plays a huge role when it comes to how their clients are perceived.
As an image consultant he works with people from various backgrounds such as politicians, celebrities, socialites and those who can afford the services offered by image consultants. He says his love for fashion is what inspired him to become an image consultant. “I just used to follow trends in fashion and how people were wearing their clothes and that is where the love for my image consultancy career came from,” shares Mukoroli.