A step in the right direction

Career guidance may be the most important part of a young person’s life, in terms of preparing to start adulthood.
Octavia Tsibes

As weird as it may seem, many people do not think of it in that way.

Sometimes it might seem easier to just pick something out of a hat, but that might not be such a wise choice. Career guidance is there to provide support to individuals throughout their lives.

During life skills class in high school, learners get the opportunity to research careers and make decisions based on their research. These guidance counsellors play a vital role, as they facilitate the learners’ exploration of different careers. This is all good and well, but what about the one kid who can’t find anything and is pretending to want to be something, not so be embarrassed?

When you are unsure about career options it is important to contact a guidance professional, because it is a life-changing decision that you need to make.

Career counsellors can help with aptitude tests, which determine some of the careers most suitable for you as an individual.

These professional also help you with acquiring the knowledge you need about the educational requirements for certain jobs. Thus it is very important to start with guidance early on in your high school career, so you can put in the work to be able to fulfil those requirements. This is also important so that the learners can choose the correct subjects when the time comes.

These days far too many people are unhappy in the work they are doing, because their decision was based on the money that particular career offers. To bring home a paycheque is important, but not as important as job satisfaction. It is quite difficult to make a choice between the two. With the amount of time a person usually spends at work, it would be wise to make an informed decision to actually be in a work environment that you enjoy and are comfortable in.

One of the mistakes that many people make when choosing a career is listening to people who tell them they should or shouldn’t do something. Your parents, friends and even boyfriend might think that they have a say in the career you choose, but the truth is they don’t. It is, however, necessary not to alienate your loved ones, because they will be with you on your journey. You can choose to make that decision on your own, but make sure that you are making the right one.

The best thing to do is to always try to engage with people in that particular career, in order to get a more realistic feel out of it. They are more likely to tell you the truth about what that job is like, rather than Mr Google. Remember the internet is not always right! Also, take a look at what the future holds for that career. As we are living in a world where technology is advancing every day. it is important to make sure that the career you’ve chosen will still be relevant 10 years from now.

There really are no downsides to career guidance. It offers economic and social benefits to the individual and the country they live in. The learners discover things they never knew existed and also learn more about themselves. If people are happy in their careers they will be more productive and the country’s economy will start flourishing.