A word from the editor

Octavia Tsibes
Juandro van Rooi

It was an honor when I was elected to be the editor for De Duine Secondary School, Duine se Lyne. I would like to thank the teachers of my school for giving me this opportunity, taking a risk in me and putting their trust in me for this position as editor. De Duine is part of NMH (Namibian Media Holdings) school newspaper project. De Duine has been working together with NMH and they are giving us the opportunity to publish our own newspaper for the 4th year in a row. As editor here is a few words of motivation. As I’m slowly approaching the end of my school career. It has been a difficult road for me, but like they say, ‘Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations’. What is your beautiful destination? Ask yourself, “Where do I see myself in 10 years? Where does my road end?” Well, you got to work hard for what you want to achieve and where you want to be. When things are getting tough just remember why you started in the first place. Remember the purpose for your actions and the consequences there of. If your plans does not go according to plan, think of a new way to do it, but never and I mean never give up. Those two words shouldn’t even be in your vocabulary. Giving up is not a choice. Believe in yourself. Believe that you can achieve anything. Did you know your mind is a liar? Yeah, your mind is the most powerful force you will ever face. It will tell you lies. It will tell you, you can’t do that. You are not meant for that. You are not good enough for that. You can’t go on anymore. You don’t have the energy. You know what you should do? Thank your mind for its opinion and carry on. Like Houdini showed us when walking into a prison cell with only his street clothes on that he still can escape a locked prison cell. He showed us the only locked doors that exist are in your own mind and the doors in reality are open. And all you have to do is to walk through. As easy as that. There is an ancient African proverb that says “when there is no enemy within. The enemy outside can do us no harm” Be brave enough to face your fears and to conquer them. Never settle for less than the best. Your pain, sweat and hard work will lead you to your beautiful destination.