Exchanging ideas

Octavia Tsibes
Lindley Appolis

The learner representative council of De Duine secondary school wanted to establish relationships with other schools and create partnerships that benefits both schools.

On the 28 of May the LRC of De Duine attended Duinesig Combined School, as guests and learners, to represent the average De Duine student. “We basically attended class with them, after which we were treated to lunch”, Megan Jane Robinson said.

On the 29 of May the LRC of Duinesig Combined School visited De Duine. The LRC’s firstly introduced themselves to the grade 10, 11 and 12’s during assembly. Thereafter the learners were divided in different classes, and attended these classes with learners from De Duine. At the end of the day, both LRC teams met and discussed where each school can improve and which practices they’d like to implement at the two different schools.