I am proud of my roots

Octavia Tsibes
Chantay Ndjawella

Being a Namibian is one thing, but being part of such a beautiful nation is another. I am proud to be a Namibian child and the beautiful landscape, smooth sailing Namib Desert, thewild life and the exquisite beauty of Mother Nature makes me even more proud.

Being in a peaceful democratic country with diverse culture and excellent leadership is such a blessing to both the young and the old. I give praise to the mothers who raised our leaders and to the men who fought for our country. We are celebrating 28 years of peace, democracy and togetherness under the theme “united we stand for the love of Namibia.” In

Namibia, all the people are equal within the law. Where else can you get such honour from if not in Nambia? The freedom of speech and expression is one thing that makes our country unique and I am proud to live in such a peaceful land. Free education is a gift from heaven, which is built on four pillars of access, equity, quality and democracy. Namibia is a place that has shown me that art does matter, as long as you make it matter. This country will give you everything you want and take it from you if you are not careful. It is also a place of opportunity and great possibility thus, I am proud to be a citizen of this country. I am also proud of our cultural achievements and the history of Namibia is very interesting. If you study too much of it, you might want revenge because of the injustice against the people of Namibia. Instead we forgive, but we will never forget. Our tribes are different from each other as each tribe has special food dishes, beliefs and values. This provides a great opportunity for people from different tribes to learn something new from each other. We from Etosha Secondary School would like to wish you a happy and enjoyable Independence Day!

*Chantay Ndjawella is a grade 11 learner at the Etosha Secondary School. She loves meeting new people and she also loves writing, reading and singing. She wants to study medicine after she completes high school.