Team work makes the dream work

LRC camp inspires learners
Octavia Tsibes
Lindley Appollis

“Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.”

-Robin S. Sharma

Leadership is a quality that not just a member of the lrc should have but also the learners of De Duine. The LRC were lucky enough to have had the privilege to attend a two day leadership course, starting on the 7 February 2019 and ending on the 8 February 2019. The camp was held at moonlight resort, located on the outskirts of swakopmund.

On the 7 February the learners were welcomed with lunch and a brief seminar in which they played a game where they had to introduce them to everyone and tell a little bit about themselves to the group. They were also introduced to the instructors that will guide them for the two days. During the day they split into groups and had to give their groups names. They were seated and were lectured on objectives and goals, their differences and the fact that they cannot be without each other. That for goals you need to set up objectives, that there are small steps one needs to take in order to achieve greatness. At the event they were tasked to make their own dinner, which resorted them to work as a team to accomplish their task, otherwise they would have no food for the night.

On the 8 February the real work had begun, the morning was greeted with a wonderful breakfast and after that a well-planned seminar on teamwork and communication, in which the learnt the fundamentals of a basic team and the communication need amongst team-mates, that communication is the key to any successful relationship even one as large as the LRC. During the afternoon they had small activities to overcome making sure to work as a team and that everyone in the team were equally treated.

At the end of the day they were asked what they have learned, most of their response were similar, they all learned key leadership skills, how work as a team and most importantly that when working as a team every single one has something new to bring and the more communication you have the easier the work will be.