The Dolphin's Digest - Editors Note

Edward Smith
As the newly appointed Editor of the Dolphin Digest, I am honoured to officially publish my first Editor’s Note in our school’s newspaper.
I started at The Dolphin Schools in Grade 8, 2014. Ever since then I have had the privilege of meeting new teachers, making new friends and most of all, gain knowledge and insight about life. This brings me to the point which I so eagerly would like to elaborate about.
Believing in oneself is often quite difficult, considering the society in which we live. Many teenagers find it challenging to believe in what they are capable of, to see their true potential, to identify a goal and work towards it. Everyone has those days when you wake up in the morning and life is not what you hoped it would be, don’t you? That’s when you take a deep breath and tell yourself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, there is hope and that everything will get better.
We are often faced with obstacles on our road to success and it frequently seems as if those obstacles are just too big to move around or get rid of, but that’s where faith, motivation and determination steps into the picture. That’s when you are left to choose whether you are going to continue striving towards the dreams and goals which you have created for yourself and dare to succeed or whether you are going to dare to succeed. It is of vital importance to always remind yourself where you are going with your life and what you want to achieve. It may not always be easy to do so, but it will definitely help you stay on track.
Always remember that struggles, challenges and difficult times shape and prepare you for your future. It has always been very easy to give up in difficult situations, but that still does not change the situation. Stand up, speak out, get help and do something about it. We are all uniquely made, and all of us have a purpose in life – find yourself, find your purpose and dare to find out just what you are capable of.
That’s all from my side for now. Keep well and until next time.