The power of kindness

Linette Paulus

A wise man once asked, ‘Imagine what seven billion humans could accomplish if we loved and respected one another?’ Just imagine. Imagine if there was no greed, no comparisons? If everyone was ruining their own race, but cheering for all others at the same time. Maybe we will never see that in our lifetime but what we all can do is start with ourselves. Start with yourself. Choose to lift others up. Choose to set the example, the example of kindness and integrity. The example of compassion and understanding. There’s a quote that says “no matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all.”

Integrity is everything, it really is. Who you are is far more important than what you have, and it will always be. Who you are is measured about how you make others feel. In a world where anything can happen at the blink of an eye, be kind. Choose to be the change you wish to see in the world. Decide you will not wait for someone else to do it. You will set the example and take the forefront. Be kind, because you never know how much that person is suffering inside or the difference your words can make, the difference your presence can make, the difference you can make to one human life. Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of humanity. Be the reason someone else decides to make a difference in others. Always do what is right not what is easy in the moment. Kindness spreads like a virus, when you do well to others, that person returns a favour to those they come into contact with. You really can make a big difference in the world, today, and every other day. Ann Frank said, ‘in the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.’ No one has ever made themselves great by showing how small others are. Be kind and always build others up to the best of your ability. Treat everyone with the same level of kindness that you would like for yourself, not because everyone is nice but because you are. Karma makes no mistakes. It is right to be kind, because you have integrity but mostly because you want this world to be better when you leave than when you arrived.