Mariselle Stofberg
The My Zone team visited Bet-el primary school and asked the learners what they want to achieve this year.

Precious Eichas

I want our school to become one of the best performing schools in Namibia so that every child dreams of coming to Bet-el. I always want to get As an A+ in all my subjects. Since I am grade 7, I want this year to go to one of the best performing high schools in Namibia.

Jeraldino Maasdorp

I’m an LRC and I want my school to move to an even better place. I want order to improve and also for all learners to achieve better marks. I want to complete primary school, that will be my biggest achievement this year.

Amoni Nkunzimana

I want to achieve my goal by studying hard so that I can be one of the best learners at the end of the year. I only want As and Bs in all my subjects this year. I would like to finish grade 7 very well.

Clerise Pieters

By the end of the year I want to see my school improve academically. I want to become the top performer of the school. Attending my one of the best performing high schools in Windhoek will also be an achievement for me.

Hope Mundia

As a grade 7 LRC I always have to show an example to all my fellow learners and as such I want to be very disciplined so that the other learners follow. I would want Bet-el primary school to be the best as I will be leaving Bet-el this year.

Lavinia Lavinia

I want to get good grades and do great. I also want to be remembered as one of the best LRC learners when I leave the school this year. I want an A in home economy since I love the subject so much.