Strengthening NHE’s credit risk framework

Phillipus Josef
Esme Izaaks, a credit risk executive at the National Housing Enterprise (NHE), who hails from Rehoboth, completed her secondary education at Dr Lemmer High School.

"My career initially started off at a local accounting and auditing firm in Windhoek," she recalled.

"In 2002, I joined a local bank and remained in the banking industry until 2019, when I pursued my dream of starting my own business. However, the Covid-19 pandemic greatly impacted this venture, leading me to rejoin the financial industry in 2021."

In November 2023, Izaaks received an opportunity to join NHE as the executive of the credit risk department.

"I am currently making great strides in this journey and enjoying every opportunity it presents," she said.


Her primary focus in this role is to ensure the implementation, operationalisation and monitoring of credit risk management policies and procedures.

"NHE’s mandate is to provide affordable, quality housing and mortgage financing through innovative solutions to low- and middle-income Namibians," she explained.

Discussing her career challenges and accomplishments, she touched on how every organisation has its own unique identity and challenges.

“Finding the best strategies to address these can require great focus and the ability to adopt different mindsets. My perseverance is my greatest attribute, enabling me to achieve many successes throughout my career and personal life," she said.

Her greatest inspirations are her two children, Jordan and Celine. "They are an eternal inspiration in my life," she said.

To stay motivated, she dedicates time to personal development, which includes reading inspirational books or taking motorcycle rides.


To aspiring young people, Izaaks advised that one should believe in oneself.

“You are your greatest mentor and cheerleader. Strive to be supreme in everything you do and remember that even lessons dressed up as failure can be a win, depending on your perspective – so never give up," she advised.

Plans ahead

Looking to the future, Izaaks aims to live her best life each day while giving her best to the company, striving to transform the lives of Namibians through homeownership.

"I wish I knew how to fly a plane, but I think I don’t have to wish for this – I must learn how to do it," she explained.

Overcoming her fears

Reflecting on her greatest fear, she said: "I fear that I might not be able to achieve everything I want in life, so I work very hard every day to identify opportunities for success and fulfilment."

If given the chance to change something in the world, Izaaks said it would be to instil more kindness in humans.