Together we inspire alone we aspire

Rinea Dula

Recently, there has been a decline in youth empowerment. Today’s generation is so focused on inspiring other youths via social media, they forget that not everyone has access to the internet. In order to inspire and motivate someone, you do not only need motivational quotes but also confidence and an inspirational story.

Most motivational speakers tend to post videos on their social media accounts but as a listener or a viewer one needs to feel the presence of the speaker, as these not only allows a connection to take place between the speaker and the listener but it also helps the listener to pay attention to the speakers words of inspiration. I recently watched this motivational speech on how to deal with life choices but the one problem I realized was that I was finding it difficult to focus on what the person was sating .on the contrary, I felt like this also contributed to my misinterpretation on what the speaker had said.

In addition, online motivational speakers also tend to forget to look at their background .most of the videos I have watched the speaker tends to be surrounded by a beautiful backdrop which usually captures my attention and causes me to lose focus. Also online motivational speakers tend to over emphasis the points they are trying to make.

Back to the main issue, knowing that the problem with internet access is not the youths fault, I feel that we as the generation of today should feel a sense of responsibility for those who are not as privileged as some of us are. In order to inspire other youths we can have regular visits to other schools and communities to just say a few words of wisdom because what better way can you understand than from your own peers.

Therefore, I challenge you and myself today, to stop aspiring and post less motivational videos and go out more, experience the crowd and feel the moment .Be that voice of change that nobody expects and I am not only preaching to those who post but also those who don’t . Stop saying ‘it is not my problem’ and instead say ‘I do care’ and ‘I want to help’. We as a whole should start being proactive and give somebody else a reason to live.