8 Things you can do better

Tunohole Mungoba
If you’re reading this, you’re probably doing good in your career. You’re getting your job done, you’re learning, and your team is happy with you overall.

But you also know you’re not perfect. Everything you do leaves room for improvement, and as someone who’s driven and cares about growing, you’re always interested in ways you can continue to excel. Here are eight things you could be doing even better.

1. Managing Your Time

You’re rarely one to miss a deadline and you feel like your days are well spent. But, sometimes you find yourself spending more time on a project than you’d like, or getting distracted and having to stay in the office later than usual. Sometimes the solution is as simple as strategic planning.

2. Staying Organized

Unlike your deskmate whose mountain of stuff is slowly tipping into your territory, your space is fairly neat and clean. As for your inbox, you may want to consider using filters to keep different kinds of messages together. Or, taking advantage of Gmail’s new features to stay on top of everything. How about your desktop? Check out these fast fixes that’ll transform the way you work on your computer.

3. Having Meetings

Your meetings tend to be somewhat productive. But you’re no stranger to the brainstorming session that ran 30-minutes over or the one-on-one where you left feeling just a little confused. A meeting agenda can go a long way in helping your meetings stay on track and learning how to talk to someone who constantly runs late may help you avoid the problem of extra-long meetings.

4. Working With Your Co-workers

In general, you and your colleagues tend to get along. But sometimes you get into rifts or have to deal with them slacking off on something. Practice how you’ll talk to a co-worker who’s condescending or being lazy so you can solve any issue effectively and professionally. And, up your game by using one of these tips to get people to respect you more.

5. Working With Your Boss

You’re cordial with your boss, if not friendly. But you’re always looking for ways to get on their good side. The best employees ask their boss these questions on a regular basis.

6. Giving Feedback

You think you’re good at letting people know when you disagree, but sometimes your feedback just doesn’t stick. Learn how to give tough feedback to people you like, as well as to people who don’t want it.

7. Networking

If someone looks at your LinkedIn profile, don’t just stalk them—respond! And make sure you’re sending out a thoughtful thank you note whenever someone does something nice for you. Remember that the little things go a long way. So use this 15-minute networking tip and these smart ways to keep your network warm—and always available in case you need them.

8. Thinking Long-Term

You have a vague idea of where you want to go in your career. But you don’t really have a concrete plan laid out for how you’ll get there. First, understand what makes a good career goal—otherwise how else are you going to accomplish it? Then, define success for yourself.
