After an unending debate on whether it is better to first read a book and thereafter watch a movie based on it or the other way around, The Zone visited International Training College - Lingua...

Ester Kamati
Chaisa Mfenda

I would rather read the book first, before I consider watching the movie. This is because reading the book first gives me a hint of what the movie is all about. The movie will thus be more exciting and my anticipation will be high.

Nehemia Nakashole

I would prefer watching the movie first, as I am more of a visual person. I don’t like reading. Reading for me has always been a weakness and when reading I hardly pay attention. It’s just like receiving a text; I hardly reply, but I will be quick to respond to a voice note.

Eriki Foibe

For me it really just depends on what the book/movie is about. If it’s something like ‘The fault in our stars’ by John Green, then I would definitely opt to read the book. If it’s just any ordinary movie, then I would most likely just opt to watch it.

Rensia Tsibes

I would read the book first because it challenges my imagination and I’d love to compare what I imagined to the actual film. This makes the movie even more fun to watch, because I’d be more excited to see how it plays out.

Huluni Joao

I would rather watch the movie, because it is more interesting. I love the graphics, especially the effects of it. And I usually spend my time alone in the cinema to ensure that I enjoy the moment.

Pedro Mamano

I prefer to read the book first and then watch the movie later, because I will have an idea of what the movie is all about. It gives more knowledge about the characters before even meeting or seeing them.

Adelino Lumbongo

I’d rather watch the movie first and then read the book, because watching the movie will enable me to understand the story well, by seeing the images. I don’t go for reading the book first, because I am lazy to read and it takes time for me to understand the story.

Vilho Katengela

I would rather read the book first than watch the movie, because the book is more real in my imagination. It is easier for me to relate to a book than to a movie.

Obed Samaria

I will rather watch a movie and then from there read the book for more information about the movie or extra details about it. The book may have more information, but the movie is more entertaining.

Lee -Ann Gaes

I’d rather watch the movie first and then read the book, because I’ll understand the movie better. A movie is easier to follow and you can keep up and identify with the characters.

Miguel Paulo

I prefer to read the book first, because the more you read, the more you understand better. After reading the book, I will then follow the movie better, because I am familiar with the storyline.

Ernestine Mukerenge

I prefer watching the movie, because it is more interesting to watching than to read. You see exactly what they are doing. A movie has clear visuals and really puts the scene in perspective, compared to when you are reading. It also gives you the chance to see and identify the characters.