Basketball artist school foundation

Mariselle Stofberg
Ceciliana Shekunza

The Basketball artist school foundation programme is an afterschool programme which focuses on education and sports, specifically basketball. This foundation is situated in Katutura to ensure that nobody is left out in the spirit of the Harambee prosperity plan.

On 8 August 2019 Amazing Kids Private School and Academy was introduced to the executive director Mr Ramah Mumba. He is a highly respected basketball expert in the Namibian community. Mr Mumba was accompanied by the programme coordinator Mr Malakia Matias.

Amazing Kids has the most privileged learners and these gentlemen have come to update the learners on what is transpiring on the other side of another class. The objectives of this beneficial program are to aid disadvantaged children and young people in general knowledge and promote a healthy lifestyle through life skills.

Many disadvantaged children face insuperable predicaments and they often feel neglected. Hence, they want to reach out to young community members to teach them how to value and appreciate their lives through sports especially basketball. Therefore, this program thrives to ensure that nobody is left out.

The Basketball Artist School has improved on the living conditions of three thousand five hundred school going children in most of the disadvantaged communities. All programme beneficiaries are provided daily with scrumptious meals that have a great advantage in building the body positively. Children from improved communities are given a choice either to roam around the streets or go home and the Basketball Artist School regards this support as a cornerstone for its overall operations regardless of the financial and logistic implications. Therefore, the Basketball artist school is passionate in producing a conducive background for disadvantaged young people.

Countless young people are faced with the challenge of balancing time among academics and sports. Sports are regarded as the greatest balance to academic excellence. This programme not only offers meals or educational realms but also basketball practices. Life skills cover all life issues considering the common aspects of life such as sex education and health lifestyle.

Children are engaged in these sessions at a highly partaking fashion using videos and discussions. Therefore, this program makes the young people comfortable to express thoughts, views and feelings in a convincible manner.

To wrap it up, every trimester young people are awarded for partaking in this life changing program. This program benefits children and allows them to showcase their amazing talents. The balance between academics, physical challenges and creative expression is respected.