DHPS hosts German learners

Michelline Nawatises
From 23 September to 7 October, the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule (DHPS) Windhoek will being hosting learners from Rabanus-Maurus-Schule in Fulda, Germany as part of an exchange programme.

This trip was made possible by ENSA, a school exchange programme promoting the interaction between schools in Germany and the so-called global south, especially Africa and Asia.

Learners from both schools are jointly working on a project dealing with climate, climate change, sustainability and local conditions.

It enables them to better understand complex development processes in a globalised world and raise awareness of global interrelationships.

During the two-week exchange, the young people will deal with various topics, such as how living worlds are linked to each other, how each individual can assume responsibility and stand up for a better world in his or her own environment and the meaning of discrimination, human rights and diversity.

A counter-exchange will take place next year, when Namibian teenagers will fly to Germany, accompanied by two DHPS teachers, where they will stay with host families.

Programme schedule

From Monday to Wednesday the guest learners, accompanied by some DHPS learners, will go on excursions to Katutura to gain information on social issues in Windhoek and Namibia in general.

Thereafter, visits to farm Krumhuk and guest farm Düsternbrook are planned.

The respective farmers will give the learners insight into the utilisation of limited resources and the effects of climate change on agriculture.

Another highlight is a visit to Gobabeb, the desert research station focusing on the desert's biodiversity and the ecosystem of arid regions.

Next on the agenda is Namibia's coastal area, in particular Swakopmund, and the topic of water scarcity, despite higher air humidity, is on the agenda.

The learners drive back to Windhoek via the Erindi Game Reserve and will spend their last weekend with their host families.

For the learners from Fulda and Windhoek this is a special time, in which the awareness of global challenges and newly won friendships are in the foreground.

Photo 1: The Germans exchange learners with DHPS pupils.