“Jy is af bra…”

Saara Stephans

What is peer pressure? From my point of view I can define peer pressure as wanting to feel part of something can put pressure on you to act in certain ways. If you’re doing something you wouldn’t normally so, or are not doing something you’d like to do, simply so that you’ll be accepted by the people you hang out with, you’re suffering from peer pressure.

Children grow up and move into teenage lifestyles, involvement with their peers, and how they look in other people’s eyes start to matter. Their hormones kick in, and start to experience rapid changes in their minds, and bodies. They also develop a mind of their own, questioning the adult standards and need for their parental guidance. By trying new values and testing new ideas with peers, the chances of the being criticized are reduced. Even though peer pressure can have positive effects, the most parts its negative. Teens have more pressure to be cool, and to be accepted that’s what makes them rebel of do what mom or dad had always told them not to do. They may know that it is wrong but it is all about looking cool for that second, or being safe and listen to your parents. Actually, when you are faced with a situation that you know is wrong you don’t think about what your parents will think until you have already completed it and there is no turning back. Then there comes the punishment. Then there comes the punishments which just cause some teenagers to rebel even more, leaving parents hopeless. When you are a teenager and you have friends that ask you to do something for them and you do not then they get mad. Then think you are a loser and that is ever person’s nightmare, to not be liked. Peer pressure is no piece of cake. It is like choosing the wrong thing for what you think is right at that very moment, and then regretting it afterwards, because your parents find out. But most would not care about what they do wrong or right. Unless there is a chance of parental disappointment, and a lot of the time that is the case. As children get older they seem to spend a lot more time with their friends, and a whole lot less time with their parents. Therefore what their friends say and do rub off on them, or they start to adopt what their friends do as right or routine. Even though they have been taught most of their lives that it was wrong, or they were taught what was right. They adapt a new style of clothes and a new vocabulary, mostly slang. And they get new hobbies and new tastes in music; friends have a big impact on all these things. We can help avoid peer pressure by with spending time with those who resist peer pressure, choose friends carefully, follow your heart but take your brain with. Dominique remarked what she thinks peer pressure is, “In my opinion, in my opinion its when an individual is pressed or forced by their age group/friends. To do something they don’t want to do and that makes them feel uncomfortable.” She continued say “It could also be positive, as your friends could encourage you to do something that will benefit you positively.’’ She says.