Lost in the crowd

Emeryne Reine Immath

We are all different and our differences does not make us bizarre but makes us unique. Afterall Louis L’amour said, ‘I am somebody. I am me. And I don’t need anybody to make somebody’.

We habitually get lost in the crowd and feel incapable and invisible. At some points we develop a negative mindset and attitude towards ourselves. The feeling of immerit takes over us and we believe we do not deserve anything good. We struggle to break free from invisibility because we keep pulling ourselves down and believe in rumors that people spread about us. We allow their words to change the way we perceive ourselves.

We also tend to forget who we are because of the traumatic experiences we faced during our childhood. As small children, we might have had experiences things that made us fearful and timid. Some experience might have been so traumatic that it left us with incurable wounds and a changed personality. Growing up, we might have been criticized the most by the people we expected to receive love from. Surprisingly, our society teaches us that in order to be successful, we need to be vigorous, ready to strive and unsentimental, so we then set our minds to being who society ants us to be in order to prosper, but forget that wanting to be someone else is a waste of who we truly are.

Thales said,’ the most difficult thing in life is to know yourself’, but we should remember that, ‘true happiness lies in knowing who you are’ – Lauren L Hamilton. We can become visible by getting to know who we really are. Knowing and accepting who we are makes us warriors with forged armors. Discovering what we like and dislike, overcoming the negative way in which we see ourselves and increasing our ability to admire ourselves before being publicly praised is divine. Let us then associate ourselves with people who will build us and not break us.

‘To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment’- Ralph Waldo Emerson. The way to be recognized in a crowd is by confidence in who we are and accepting our differences. Our natural personality is more worthy than then the personality we try to abduct. Always remember that, ‘You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are’, - Max Lucado.