New furniture for clever minds

DHPS Editorial
Dintwane Mashego

DHPS has brand new furniture for their classrooms and the learners enjoy it to the fullest.

The 1,512 tables and 1,562 chairs for the pupils as well as 56 teachers´ tables and chairs have been ordered from Germany as no Namibian or South African vendor could offer this quantity and quality alike.

The current supplier (Hohenlohe) is a world-famous producer of school furniture and supplied many other German schools abroad for decades already.

The reasons to equip the school with new school furniture were old and sometimes even damaged chairs and tables that made new classroom equipment essential.

“For us it is important to offer our learners an ideal learning environment in accordance with international education standards”, says Kristin Eichholz, DHPS Principal. “Providing our pupils with optimum learning conditions enables them to fully concentrate on the subjects and to bring out their optimal performance.”

The DHPS is one of Namibia´s leading schools and offers its learners the best possible teaching staff, very good curricula and a modern learning environment that also entails good school furniture.

Most of the classrooms have been equipped with the new chairs and tables already. “We hope to receive and set up all furniture within the first half of 2017”, says Karl Stigler, DHPS Administration Manager, and points out the renovation and expansion of the DHPS gym where the sports equipment has to be modernized as well.