Truekrav hosts GBV talk

Truekrav Namibia provides combat training, and members receive physical and psychological coaching to survive an attack. Mariselle Stofberg
Octavia Tsibes
Truekrav Namibia, in cooperation with the Namibian Women’s Society and Kosmos, hosted a gender-based violence (GBV) talk on Thursday at the NG Church in Pioneers Park.

Francois Dames, an instructor at Truekrav Namibia, emphasised the importance of this event by saying every women attending has already taken the first step to stand up and say no to GBV.

“It’s not about just one or two women speaking up about gender-based violence. It’s an entire movement of women saying this is enough.”

“This is not an occurrence only taking place in Windhoek or the northern parts of Namibia. It saddens me to know this is happening across our country,” Dames said.

Truekrav is an independent studio that provides combat training, and members receive physical and psychological coaching to survive an attack.

“I’ve decided to organise this talk to raise awareness on the circumstances in and around Windhoek. I would like to empower the women of this city, and equip them with the tools necessary to physically and mentally prepare them to handle these situations,” Dames said.

“It does not matter how strong, or big or fast your aggressor is. With the right tools and techniques you can overpower any attacker. You can’t always control of what happens, but you can control your reaction, and that is what Truekrav teaches you.”

Dames has worked with many victims of GBV, and has helped them to work through the trauma by empowering them with ways in which they can protect themselves, both physically and mentally.

He works closely with many safe houses, councillors and churches, which can help victims of GBV.

Dames further said that you can protect yourself by empowering yourself with the necessary skills that you can use in any given circumstance.

“Women are strong. You don’t need to become a violent person to protect yourself, because you are strong enough, and with the right skills you will be able to withstand any attacker.

“Men believe women are physically weak and vulnerable, but with Truekrav you learn techniques that don’t necessarily require strength. It promotes emotional intelligence to calmly process a situation before you react,” says Constable Katrina Nomboga of the City Police, who also attended the event. Truekrav has been working closely with the City Police, and hopes this partnership will continue to grow in the future.