
In the light of going back to school, The Zone asked principals what their expectations for their respective schools are for 2022.
Mariselle Stofberg
Ryan Assegaai, Karasburg Combined School

Nomakando Kangira, Sunshine Private School

visit subject teachers. Depending on the number of learners on the 15th school day, we are planning to stop rotational days and bring back all grades, provided Covid-19 regulations are adhered to.

We would like to create an environment conducive to learning with a focus on discipline. I believe that discipline is the fulcrum of education, thus without discipline, learning cannot take place. We further want to mould the Suiderlig child into a responsible being who can contribute positively to society.

At our school, we want to make sure that we make it inclusive for all learners. Children spend most of their time at school and this should be spent educating them. We are also appealing to parents to continue engaging their children and using technology to their advantage to make sure that no child is left behind.

The goal for us is to do better in every area. We want the learners to do their best in sports as much as they perform in academics. This will help the school to trace the strengths of each learner. That is the only way we are going to grow this year.

The school is currently not doing admissions because it is fully occupied, especially lower grades. Just as in any other school, the school's expectations were deeply affected by the pandemic. However, we want to create more social clubs and encourage attendance by learners. I also want to see the school become stronger in sports and richer in educational trips.

This year, we are looking forward to exciting moments that will be shared between the learners, teachers and parents. So far, the enrollments have been growing and that shows that parents have confidence in us. This means that most of our learners have come back to school.