Professional coach

Professional coach
Professional coach :Roger Thompson

Roger Thomson is the national defence coach and the u/20 rugby head coach. He writes the following about his career - "Growing up as youngster and passionate about the game, I had strong aspirations to make it to the Namibian national rugby team. With a rugby ball always by my side, I grew up in Khomasdal.

Street touch rugby was the order of the day. As soon as I came from school, I would gather my friends and crack on for about a decent 3 hours of street touch rugby!
I was very satisfied with the opportunities the game of rugby provided me at school level, with my best achievement being part of the u/18 Academy team. I went on to represent Namibia at u/19 level at the World Championships in Treviso, Italy and was fortunate to make my international debut at the age of 19. I went on to represent Namibia in 10 Test caps. An opportunity I am grateful for, however cut short by a life of gangsterism, alcohol and drugs! Growing up in a loving Christian home, my mom and dad made sure a strong foundation, based on Christian values, was laid early in my life. Being in the limelight at an early age of my career took its toll, as I was very immature in dealing with the success. I made decisions that I regret today, but looking back at the journey I see how it shaped me as a person.

Today I know why I was on that journey. Living a life overwhelmed by alcohol and drugs, I got involved with the wrong crowd. I soon got hit by the reality, as being a sportsman indulging in alcohol and drugs took its toll. I served a ban from rugby for the use of a prohibited substance, missed numerous opportunities to build an illustrious international career and missed an opportunity to play professionally, which served as a major setback in my life. My life progressively deteriorated, and I could understand that teammates and friends did not want to be associated with me anymore.
I was out on my own, wandering the streets of Windhoek, a decision I made, being on this constant journey of chasing the next high. After I re-established my relationship with the Most High, my life got back on track. My off-road journey shaped me in order to live a life of happiness that I am content with now. Today I speak to the youth on regular occasions, sharing my experiences of being at the pinnacle of your career, at the hill top, as well as down in the valleys and dealing with the challenges.
I don’t see myself as a motivational speaker, but as a person with a testimony that can change and save a life. Today, I live my dream, as national defence coach, u/20 head coach and fortunate to head the National Academy, a program based on a holistic approach toward player development, where I have an opportunity to interact with players on a daily basis, creating better rugby players, but more importantly better human beings.