TV Presenter

TV Presenter

TV Presenter: Paul Munanjala

Paul Munanjala a is a television presenter for the show Whatagwan on NBC. According to him, his
job is to set the mood of the show through his presentation style and interaction with the camera. “A TV presenter is required to coordinate or present a show which may be live or pre-recorded,” he explains. “Usually, presenters are given a script which they must follow and read through to understand the concept and direction of the show.”
Growing up, Munanjala’s mother used to be a newsreader for the national broadcaster in Zambia thus he fell in love with the trade whilst watching his mother on the job.
“That's when I decided to do a degree in media at UNAM. I currently hold an honours degree in electronic media and drama,” he says.
So, what character traits do I need to be an excellent television presenter? Munanjala says one needs to be patient, have ambition and be willing to work long hours. Your also need to be articulate.