Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Paint

Brush Up Your Home with Nontoxic Paints
Have you ever walked into a freshly painted room and felt a sudden dizzy spell? This is a common effect when using paints with high volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are responsible for that new paint smell and apart from dizziness they may cause you to feel nauseous or cause a headache if the room isn't properly ventilated. VOCs have a negative impact on the environment.
Impact of the Environment
VOCs have a negative impact on the environment. Once in the atmosphere, VOCs participate in the formation of ozone. In the presence of nitrogen oxides and sunlight, VOCs react with oxygen in the air to produce ozone, the most toxic component of the form of pollution commonly known as smog.
Paint the Town Green
We don't mean this literally. We just mean you can consider environmentally preferred painting solutions because we know how important a new paint job or touch up is to you. Eco-friendly paints are much safer to use in your home.
It would be unfitting for us not to recommend some of our eco-friendly paints. Our locally produced exclusive range of paints namely MegaPaint is water-based, making them low VOC and lead-free, weather-resistant and perfect for your home and approved for the environment.
MegaPaint Freshest PVA