Ngendina Shivolo - head boy
I have learned a few things during my time as a head boy.Number one is that, as a leader, you cannot do it on your own; you have to rely on your team and believe in them so that they can help you get the job done. By doing this, you learn to be accountable for yourself and the people around you, and it generally creates a stronger bond within your team.
Benjamin Franklin once said: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
Planning goes a long way. From planning your study routine to planning a major school event, it helps you pin-point details and prevents you from becoming frustrated by the amount of work left at the end of the day.
This goes hand in hand with time management. Not only as a leader but as a grade 12 AS level learner, I have realised that time management is key to success.
Working with my team of learner representatives has been nothing short of stupendous; they have helped me grow as an individual and as a leader.
Along with the learners, teachers and the learners representative council of Hage Geingob High School, we aim to maintain an atmosphere of friendliness, cooperation, care, discipline and unity within the school and, at the same time, uplift our school in any way we can.
My Zone
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