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The Zone team chatted with a few of the participants of the National Youth Climate Summit to hear what they learned from the summit. Here is what they had to say.
Nafimane Hamukoshi

So far, the conference has been an inspiration. I was just meant to attend for two days, but I will attend all three days to get a better view of climate change and how we are affected by it. I was especially inspired by the junior mayor and how well-spoken she is.

Hilma Niipaya

I am finding the summit very useful and also very innovative. I am currently expanding my knowledge on climate change and have also gotten to see what Namibia is doing to mitigate climate change for a better future.

Willem Veikko

The conference has pumped up and hyped the youth for the past few days; it was such an exciting experience to be a part of. In addition, it was amazing to see that there were youth from all different regions representing the country. This, in itself, spoke volumes.

Ricky Jacobs

The National Youth Climate Summit is a wonderful opportunity for a rural representative like me, and I'm so honoured to be present. It has given me the ability to specifically support the needs and outcomes required to develop rural programmes to provide young people within rural and remote communities the opportunity to develop their leadership skills.