Prioritising her career goals for growth

Distilling complex numerical data
Newly-appointed Old Mutual Namibia pension fund administrator, Aiyenta Njambari takes on the role with a great passion for numbers.
Wetumwene Shikage
Aiyenta Njambari is pursuing a qualification in quantitative management at the University of South Africa (Unisa), and boasts experience in start-up finance, management and pension fund administration spaces.

She was recently appointed at Old Mutual Namibia as a pension fund administrator.

Challenges she faces in this job mainly concern time management. She said this is because there is always a lot to do and not enough time in a day, “which sets you up to always strive to make the most efficient use of time".

On the other hand, this challenge has been one she overcame through better time management to complete her tasks, she said.

Career growth

Njambari said she looks forward to learning a new system in the pension space as she believes in constantly broadening her skillset.

“I am also looking to grow my position as a strong team player who will truly pull their weight and add value to the team,” she said.

She also anticipates to continue nurturing her passion for numbers, problem-solving and distilling complex numerical data to provide simple solutions. She looks forward making use of opportunities to live life to the fullest while implementing these skills on a daily basis.

During her time pursuing this career, she has learnt to make the most of her time and be efficient with resources.

“We only have one life to live, and there is only so much you can pack into the space. Choose what you want to master, become really good at it, and continue on that path. Sometimes constant pivoting can be a distraction,” she said.

The pension fund administrator is eager to complete her studies and become an asset to the company via the value she provides through her work.

Best measure of success

The space she currently works in requires serving the needs of clients. She said a satisfied client is the best measure of success. Njambari highlighted that when a client can look at her or the organisation with gratitude, it makes her job worthwhile.

Advising those who may be interested in being appointed in this position, she said it is important to become confident in the skills and experiences they possess.

Being well-versed in your field and presenting yourself with confidence is fundamental within this role, she said.