Cancer awareness month for youth

October is Cancer Awareness Month and The Zone asked Academia Secondary School learners how important cancer awareness is for young people. This is what they had to say:
Tunohole Mungoba
Agnes Munyakazi

It is important because it provides young people with the necessary information they need to know about cancer. Cancer awareness can also teach children how to properly take care of themselves, and how to recognise the symptoms of cancer.

Joschlynn Jantjies

I do think that it is very important because, so the younger generations can be aware of cancer and the elements that are involved. Young people don't always realise how big of a deal cancer is and how much of an impact it has on many lives.

Hertha Paulus

I think that cancer awareness should be implemented in schools. There might be someone out there suffering with cancer and they might feel like there is no one to assist. They have to know that they are not alone and that they have people around them.

Chilombo Simataa

Cancer awareness is important in schools because we can share more information with our families and also know the symptoms, in order to know when to get medical attention, if needed.

Alexander Josob

Yes, I think more people should know about it, so that some students and learners can help others that might be struggling with cancer. More people should be involved.

Bradley Tjiseseta

To create awareness among the community, a lot of children should know about and understand cancer. This is important so people are educated about the effects and problems that come with it, and how to treat those who have the disease.

Caylen Sam

I believe that cancer awareness is very important, because it is vital for people to know what they are dealing with and the different types of cancer there is. It is also important to know that cancer is not a transmitted disease.

Zivia Biaya

I think it is so important, because there might be some learners at school with cancer and informing us about it will help people appreciate others more. It will help young people to know how to support people with cancer.

Jeomba Kaakuoga

Young adults and school leaners, especially, need to know about cancer and know the steps to take to protect themselves against it at all costs. Informing them can only be a good thing.

Judith Kapofi

Cancer is very dangerous and people should be educated about it, especially high school students. We have to constantly raise awareness about cancer. This will show people with cancer that there is support for them all around.

Noah Lamperth

Young people don't know much about the pain and suffering that cancer patients go through on a day-to-day basis, and how much they and their family have to go through. The solution is for young people know more and more about cancer.

Kay-Lynne Weitz

More and more young people and people in general have to know about the heartache and pain that cancer patients have to go through, while battling this disease. The awareness will help them see how they can make a change or at least make life a little easier.