Editorial letter

Westside High
- Ailly Uukule

This is the very first edition of the Westside High school newspaper, The Oryx Press is not just another school newspaper, but it's one aimed to attract and inform not only the learners and teachers, but also the general public and prospective learners. This newspaper gives insight of only some of the events that take place at Westside combined school. These events range from social, sport and most importantly academics.
Many Westside High school students were very interested in participating in the, building of the school newspaper, not only to showcase their writing abilities but also their skill to effectively communicate the news around them and deliver it to the readers in hopes that they enjoy reading the articles they worked hard to compose.
As the editor of this edition I would like to personally thank Namibia Media Holdings who has given learners the opportunity to communicate to others about our schools through this medium. I would also like to thank all the journalists of Westside High School for
their hard work and creativity. At the same time I hope to encourage all the learners at all schools across Namibia to participate in this fine programme.
I hope you enjoy reading this newspaper and that it delivers you news that you can use!