Full steam ahead for WBPHS

Leandrea Louw

Walvis Bay Private High School (WBPHS) was a hive of activity the first three weeks of school.

Officially starting the year and to welcome the primary school learners to the school, the anchor ceremony was hosted. Through this ceremony the learners got an opportunity to touch the anchor with a metal staff, which signifies the start of their school career.

The grade 1 learners were also introduced and was accompanied by their respective teachers. Each learner shared what they wanted to become one day, and future careers ranged from playing rugby to babysitting. These first graders will be the matric class of 2031.

Another first was for the grade eights who started with their orientation process when the school started. The ‘guppies’, as they are known, had to dress according to a certain theme for the first three days. They also had to practise each day after school for the traditional guppy concert which was hosted last week. This year’s theme for the concert was ‘guppy culture’. The orientation was officially concluded with a dance.

Nicole Wittmann also reported that the four head leaders of WBPHS, Dian Neethling, Amber Coetzee, Divan van Vreden and Nicole Wittmann, had the privilege to attend the ATKV Youth Leadership Symposium at the ATKV - Goudini Spa near Worcester, South Africa.

The leaders departed to South Africa during the December holidays where they attended the symposium with 190 leaders from 40 different schools.

The theme for the week was "Klim uit jou gemaksone" and they learned that it is necessary to step out of your comfort zone in order to grow.

“Our mornings started with praise and worship and after that we had guest speakers, free time, games, learned the guppie dance and had time to discuss what we learned from each lesson in our groups. We would like to thank the ATKV - Goudini Spa for accommodating us and the facilitators for all the effort and lessons. A big thank you to Mrs Eigelaar for the opportunity, it was truly a privilege.”

Head girl Amber Coetzee said, “I loved meeting new people and we all shared the same goal, to be a good leader. We got to know each other better through the fun games we played. The food was out of this world. I would like to thank ATKV and the other leaders for this great experience.”

Top 10

WBPHS also awarded the top ten students in each grade last week.

The top 10 in Grade 4: Kevin Mostert, Lj Coetzee, Tori Celotto, Jayden Pretorius, Miguel Lloyd, Rowan van Vuuren, Shaun Carstens, Kira Jacobie, AJ Bruwer, Marlee Mans (1st)

Grade 5: Danelle Swart, Damian Kotze, , Liam Blaauw, Sebastian van Vuuren, James van Zyl, Johan van Wyk, Abigail Fourie, Dreyer Oberholzer, David Bissett, Teniell Sowden (1st).

Grade 6: Ryan Pretorius, Simoné Nasilowski, Minki Rudolph, Jeandré Bruwer, Cheyenne Turner, Daniel Fourie, Christoffel Smit, Juané Brand, Larissa Jankowitz, Stefan Lotriet (1st).

Grade 7: Naomi Nghipuilepo, Dionisio Dias, Leigh-marie Visser, Hendrik Viljoen, Willem Louwrens, Phillip du Plessis, Delia de Villiers, Magdel Pienaar, Waneka Venter, Anke Rudolph (1st).

Grade 8: Martin Bissett, Abraham Ambabi, Roché van Dam, Margenita Davids, Katya Dedekind, Juan Theunissen, Edwina Kamatoto, Ané Oberholzer, Nelrie Zwemstra, Laura Damster (1st).

Grade 9: Johannes Louw, Matthew Quinn, Janine Visser-Engels, Roberta Manale, Marcelle Myburgh, Renée Rabie, Mia van Wyk, Karli Rudolph, Hendrik Smit, Chris Fourie, (1st).

Grade 10: Lara van Rooyen, Carané van Zyl, Annabel Köhne, Erné Smal, Nikki Rabie, Anne Engels, Elvan Garces, Ruan Lotriet, Laelan Willemse, Ané Schumacher (1st).

Grade 11: Kara Reichert, Amber Coetzee, Cáleigh Jordaan, Nicole Wittmann, Tihane Knowles, Amoré Koorts, Corné Engelbrecht, Mianka Robberts, Jamey Bruyns and Renaldo van der Merwe (1st).