May the sky be the limit for our departing grade 12’s.

Lyrissa Tap
Time flies, but the memories will last forever. As we near the end of 2017, we are, yet again, saying farewell to our present grade 12’s and preparing for the year ahead. The question remains, “Are the grade 12’s prepared for what’s ahead?”
With the world being their oyster and the sky being their limit, our grade 12’s have their lives ahead of them in various options and opportunities. Tiffany Maritz states that “One thing is for sure, outside of school is where you grow the most and experience what life really is.” The main thing what any student can hope for is that school had laid a strong foundation for that student’s growth in his or her life.
Liandri Verwey advises that “You should enjoy every moment while you still can in school. It is the years that you will always remember, your school years are your best years in life.” She also states, along with Tiffany, that she is both excited and scared for the outside world. Liandri said, “I’m scared on what to expect, but excited to see what is to happen next.” The decisions that these students need to take from now on may determine their entire future and therefore we can imagine how they feel by being excited for the new experiences, but also scared for what is to happen next.
Imagine stepping away from everything you have known for the past twelve years. This is what lies ahead for them. Tiffany said, “I know for a fact I will miss school. I will miss everything about school.” Both students stated that they would miss it and that they hope to see the juniors and seniors are living their last school years to the fullest.
Time is running out, before you know it, you will be in their shoes, looking back and thinking how it went by so quickly. We need to make the most of what we have left, study hard, make friends, laugh and above all else; work together to lift up our school. The ball is in our court, we need to decide what is to happen next.