My Soccer life -Nathan Beukes

Swakopmund SS
Growing up, I played soccer bare-footed in the dusty streets of Mondesa. This is how most world-famous soccer players started. Since then, my achievements arrived with hard word and determination.
As every young player has his role model, I am a very big fan of Deon Hotto, because he is a player who does not stop when he is tired, but when the work is done.
My best year as a soccer player was when I presented the National team in Zambia and South Africa respectively. I also made the SSS Senior Soccer Team as the youngest player ever. This achievement has helped me gain the call-up to the Erongo Regional team, and subsequently, the National team.
My dream is to become a well-structured and professional soccer player. Football is not only about money, but the passion you have for the game. With intense training nay player would gain the necessary skills to entertain spectators and win games for their clubs.
Playing with ten teammates develops the spirit of teamwork towards successful achievement of goals and ultimately, victory.
My mother is my biggest inspiration. She encourages me to 'hold my head high and never lose focus'.