New classroom block for Eluwa
Eluwa is 56th recipient from Japanese scheme
Tunohole Mungoba – OngwedivaEluwa Resource School in Ongwediva is one of 56 schools in Namibia to benefit from a Japanese government grant.
The school recently received a new school block consisting of four permanent classrooms and one storeroom, valued at N$925 000.
Established in 1974, Eluwa is one of only two government schools that offers special education for the hearing impaired.
It currently has a learner population of 199 from pre-primary to grade 9.
At the handover, Japanese ambassador Hideaki Harada said supporting inclusive, quality education is the best way forward to secure a prosperous Namibia.
“I hope that through learning hands-on skills such as woodcarving, dressmaking and hairdressing in the newly constructed classrooms, you will equip yourselves with very powerful weapons to be financially self-reliant in the future,” said Harada.
Andreas Uutoni, councillor of the Ongwediva constituency, thanked the ministry of education and the Japanese government for the donation and said it will make a huge impact in the lives of the Eluwa learners.
“Your unlimited collaboration to realise success in every socio-economic activity taking place in the region has borne fruits and it is undeniable that Oshana is the service hub and the preferred region to visit or stay,” Uutoni said.
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