Soulfully beautiful

Elizabeth Coetzee has been a part of Namibia Media Holdings for 20 years and continues to commit herself to excellence every day.
Monque Adams
Monique Adams

The humble, kind and positive soul Elizabeth Coetzee, also known as ‘Kleintjie’, is like a sister to all at Namibia Media Holdings (NMH).

“Spending so much time seeing the entity you work for grow is like experiencing the growth of your first-born child,” she said.

Born in Walvis Bay and raised in Windhoek, Coetzee attended AI Steenkamp Primary School and Immanuel Shifidi High School.

After high school, she started job-hunting to help her family out at home.

Her biological mother died giving birth to her, so she was raised by her grandmother.

“Growing up in Windhoek back then was really difficult and I grew up in a single parent home so my mother had a lot on her plate and a lot of kids to feed as well,” she said.

Putting her best foot forward

Before starting her career, Coetzee was taking care of children when a friend introduced her to a job opportunity.

“My friend took me along one Monday to a company that was making a newspaper known as the Metro. On 14 August 2000, I started working there, and the rest is history,” she said.

Months later, the Metro moved to Democratic Media Holdings (DMH), now known as NMH.

Coetzee moved without a fixed contract and only one working hour, but was very keen for the transition.

“Starting at DMH, I just did the cleaning and helped out wherever I can. Even though I did not have a set contract at the time, in every task I was given, I continued to put my best foot forward,” she said.

‘Everything and more’

“Working for NMH has been everything and more and I enjoy the older staff, especially in the finance department. I call them my children and we joke around because they feel like my second family. Especially the new staff coming in, one thing about NMH is that it is truly one big family that feels like home,” she said.

Coetzee starts off her day with a cup of coffee and then she goes about her daily duties. Sometimes you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but she’s a strong believer in making sure that even when the day did not start off so great you try and keep a positive mindset and attitude.

She urges others to never give up on their education, to not wait for tomorrow but to start today and to never allow people to make you change your goals or aspirations.

“Seeing NMH grow all these years is really emotional for me but when I leave, I hope that I leave with a full and happy heart. The NMH group is like my second family. The 20 years I’ve been here has been a rollercoaster ride, but all worth at the end,” she said.