WBPHS Has Got Talent
Daniel AllenQuite recently Die Orakel decided to interview those with talent. Talent in Culture activities to be specific. Die Orakel felt if one is to understand artists you need only use three creative minds. An artist who conveys passion through his words, an artist who portrays a story through her voice, and finally an artist who creates and provides music and is the very heartBEAT to any song. So naturally Die Orakel selected the Poet, the Singer, and the Drummer.
The Poet being gr. 10D’s very own Dylan Ingram who writes with burning passion and a true heart.
The Singer is none other than 17 year old Camron Nash in gr. 12. She is an outstanding singer with a heart full of fire and a soul filled with passion.
And last but not least: The Drummer. Van Zyl Coetzee (grade 11) creates swift, crisp, and resonant music by banging away at his drumset.
1.Why do you do what you do?
Dylan: “I was bored. I knew about art and wanted to try it as well. So, I started drawing and then I started writing poetry.”
Camron: “Music is my passion. If it wasn’t for music I wouldn’t be the person I am today. It inspires me.”
Van Zyl: “I struggled with other instruments, but I always found the drums appealing. So my mother bought me a drum kit.”
2.Have you known about your talent since you were young or has it only recently surfaced?
Dylan: “I have known about it since I was younger.”
Camron: “I actually found out by accident a few years ago.”
Van Zyl: “In gr. 8 when I started drum lessons.”
3.What is your muse?
Dylan: “Loss.”
Camron: “My love for music. I love how so many things can be portrayed through a song: emotions, passion and stories.”
Van Zyl: “Curiosity and interest. When I listen to music I focus on the drums in the background. I find it very peaceful.”
4.How does your muse help you as an artist?
Dylan: “It helps me find more “intense” words to use in my poetry.”
Camron: “Whenever I perform, I try to make an emotional connection to the song which makes the song come alive. Without emotion, a song is nothing.”
Van Zyl: “When I listen to music I immediately match the sound that the drum makes to the part of the drum that makes it. That improves my drumming.”
5.Does WBPHS encourage your specific type of talent by competitions or programs?
Dylan: “Yes, there is a variety of creative writing competitions that have been held throughout the year. But sadly I wrote my poem too late, so I was unable to submit it.”
Camron: “Through competitions? Not really. But the positive feedback from the school’s teachers and learners after a performance does motivate and encourage me.”
Van Zyl: “Yes, as I am frequently asked to play at school events.”
6.How did you discover your talent?
Dylan: “I just wrote new words and began learning their meaning. So I started using these words in my poetry, seeing which words would rhyme and which rhyming pairs would best convey my emotions.”
Camron: “In 2010 my father bought me a guitar. And even though I couldn’t play it, I sang. Eventually my family realised “This girl can actually sing.” So I performed at small occasions and fell in love with singing,”
Van Zyl: “I kept drumming on everything, so my mom finally bought me a drum kit on which I could drum instead. I knew then that drumming was going to be my passion.”
Die Orakel has learned much from speaking with these very talented young artists. They are the future of the Arts and if so then the future will be made brighter by their presence.
My Zone
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