Welcome on board, Amunwe

Michelline Nawatises
Anna-Rosa Shiyave

Khomastura, is a school considered as one of the worst schools in every way possible. Education wise, not the brightest and not the best at sports either. Many times we hear people criticise our school, from parents’ right down to the learners. Many people assume our school is one for criminals or learners they consider not bright academically. Which I personally do not agree with, but that fact still stands.

For the past few years we have seen principles come and go, each with a different approach when it comes to discipline and performance. Mr. Adams who was known to most parents as the principal with a good heart. Mrs. Williams who was strict in her own way and very motivational. We also had Mrs. Khedr as an acting principle, who was kind and always pushed for the best. Mr. Mabuta was also kind and always quoted from the bible, which I found quite inspiring. They played a big part in making Khomastura what it is today and will always be a part of us.

All this, leading to the arrival of Mrs. Amunwe, who is our current principle. A woman with a vision, a goal and an executional plan. Mrs. Amunwe has come with full enthusiasm and is very active in her role as principle. She has seemed to catch the teachers and learner’s attention and respect. Mrs. Amunwe has found ways to get inactive parents to be more participant in the school and in the same way the teachers. Mrs. Amunwe has started with changing the attitude of learners by encouraging us to work hard and we really are seeing the change. In her own words ‘’a school without discipline is a school that does not perform’’. In order for a school to perform there needs to be discipline from the learners. She started with turning some mini-skirts into school skirts, in other words girls are not allowed to wear short skirts. The girls fully agree with her idea as it shows self-respect. The boys now have shorter, smarter and fresher haircuts and I must say, they look like gentleman. She is also boosting our confidence by letting each class lead at assembly, which is quite fun.

Mrs. Amunwe has come with the needed to turn our school into a success and performing school. Which can be done through hard work from both learners and teachers. To our principle, you are doing a great job, we appreciate your hard work and commitment. A big thumb up from all Khomasturians.