Zone 2 regional individual school chess championship

Tunohole Mungoba
Mariental High School, Sonop Primary School, Empelheim JSS and Danie Joubert Combined School were among the participants in the Zone 2 regional individual school chess championships earlier this year.

The aim of the championship is to develop chess as a mental sport in the Hardap Region. The championship also serves as a qualification for National Schools Individual Championship. The competition allows learners to compete with those from other schools in the region and creates a platform for the development of the game of chess.

The participants played in age groups from under-eight to under-18 boys and girls. From each age group three learners of both genders qualified to participate at the national event.

All participants completed their seven rounds of rapid chess using the Swiss-manager system and there were some good games played and fierce rivalries between the schools.

Among the winners were Angelo van Rooyen, who was the category gold winner, Jaiden Jarson, who won silver in her category, and C. Kubersky, who won third in his category.

“Chess is an excellent low-cost, all-weather activity for all ages that everyone can participate in. The educational benefits of being a chess player are many and include honing analytical thinking skills and aiding memory retention. It’s great confidence builder and teaches patience and persistence,” said one of the teachers.