Tourist of the Year 2022-2023

Take part and help us determining the final candidates NOW
Frank Steffen
Since August Namibia Media Holdings has been actively searching for the next “Tourist of the Year”, a competition that was first launched as part of the Tourism Expo in November 2020. Again NMH has been joined and graciously supported by the tourism industry, specifically the tourism operators Gondwana Collection, Journeys Namibia, N/a'an ku sê, Namibia Wildlife Resorts, O&L Leisure and Wild Waters Group.

The competition is this time designed such as to get the public involved in a much bigger way and it is thus that we are keen to determine the "Tourist of the Year 2022-2023". Until the end of September we were able to secure eleven people, who entered this competition and whom we have in the meantime promoted on our various electronic media platforms.

It is during the Tourism Expo that we need you as visitor of the Expo to please vote for the best video of your choice. These videos have been promoted on the sites and are promoted during the Tourism Expo, but we need your vote to determine the final six candidates. Take part in that vote and become part of the group of people, who is eligible to win a N$ 1 000 voucher that can be redeemed by booking and paying for your holiday at the Tourism Expo. But there is more...

The six finalists qualify to draw a weekend for two at their establishment of choice:

Gondwana Collection Namibia - Etosha King Nehale Lodge

Journeys Namibia - Erongo Wild Lodge

N/a'an ku sê Collection - TimBila Safari Lodge

Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) - Dolomite Camp

O&L Leisure - Midgard Country Estate

Wild Waters Group - Jackalberry Camp

The candidates will now book a holiday during the months of January and February 2023 and this is where it becomes interesting. Similar to 2020 these six finalists will submit a video of their experience by the end of February 2023, showing us the hype of the planning and journey as much as the actual stay and their experiences at these prime sites.

These final submissions will be promoted on our electronic media as well as the “Tourismus Namibia” show and we would again ask the public to now vote for the ultimate winner in March 2023.

Now if you have given your vote during this current expo, you would be well advised to continue voting as the ultimate winner of the “Tourist of the Year”-competition will be awarded a cash prize of N$ 10 000, while you stand a chance to win a weekend for two at the same establishment that the winner visited and reported on in his/her video submission, IF you already voted for that same candidate during the Tourism Expo NOW.

So please do not forget to vote for the “Tourist of the Year 2022-2023”, before you leave the Tourism Expo-site.