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The My Zone team asked Ella du Plessis Secondary School learners how they prepare for exams.
Jennifer Mieze

I go to afternoon classes often and I create a study timetable for myself as soon as possible before exams start. I continue to make sure that my tests are in order. If I failed any of the C-drive tests, I look at it and fix my mistakes. Furthermore, I arrange with a study partner and I look into study methods that work for me.

Trefina Mutilifa

I write my notes in class and after classes as well. I make sure that I study my notes, master it or summarise it. I also write on flash cards to make sure I am prepared whenever the teachers ask questions.

Anna Rainhold

I prepare for my exams by studying two subjects per day. I started earlier with my studies because I’m writing my senior exams. I have to familiarise myself with the topics quite well because I would like to study engineering.

Elia Beyond

I prepare for exams by using a little something I call the 'B Strategies'. This is a strategy where I first analyse my work and then I read through, take notes depending on what I wrote and then I formalise questions for myself to work on later and to make it easier to study for the exams.

Vin Ilukena

The way I prepare for my exams is by studying ahead of my exams. I seek help when I struggle with a subject. I think it is important to be prepared as it enables you to know what to write.

Victoria Kamati

I prepare for my exams by having sleepless nights. Another method I employ is going through past exam papers. I also ask my friends for help, especially Ndamona Teofelus, our head girl. She helps me go through some questions.