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The MyZone team asked the youth what their thoughts are on climate change and the impact it has on the environment. Here’s what they had to say.

Justina Nekwiita

While the climate crisis affects everyone, I think the girls and boys in vulnerable communities are taking - or will take - the strongest hit in the long run, even though they are not responsible for it. Long-standing socioeconomic inequities can make underserved groups, who often have the highest exposure to hazards and the fewest resources to respond, more vulnerable. Drought can harm food production and human health. Flooding can spread disease and lead to damage to ecosystems and infrastructure. Human health issues can increase mortality, impact food availability and limit worker productivity. Climate change impacts are seen throughout every aspect of the world we live in and many communities are not yet prepared to face climate-related threats.

Ocean GertzeTemperature and precipitation patterns may affect crop production and cause food shortages, causing danger to global food security. Some plants perish, while others grow. Climate change may cause changes in plant and animal distribution in Namibia’s unique environments, such as the Namib Desert and coastal regions, potentially leading to environmental disruptions and biodiversity loss.

Brave GertzeClimate change is affecting many vulnerable children and street children since it is becoming very cold, and some are even dying as a result of the cold. Animals and crops are dying as a result of the extreme cold and heat. Climate change can indirectly affect human health by promoting the spread of diseases carried by vectors like mosquitoes, and directly impact health through heat-related illnesses during extreme heat events.

Nosipho ThebeNamibia is already a semi-desert land with scarce water supply. Drought conditions may worsen as a result of climate change, resulting in water scarcity and difficulties for farmers and communities that rely on reliable water supply. Sometimes it’s too rainy, and we don’t go to school because of it. Some people are not exposed to the heat of the sun and become ill, or their crops die as a result of too much heat, while others are subjected to skin disorders, whereas some plants grow as a result of sunshine.