Taking your gap year abroad

Going beyond Namibian borders
What you do during your gap year can define how you move into adulthood.
Patricia Coetzee
As the end of the year approaches, many learners can't wait to start their studies or venture straight into the workforce, but for some the journey into adulthood is not as simple... It can be, though!

It's okay if you are not sure what you want to study yet - that's why gap years exist. However, it is what you do in that gap year that can define how you move into adulthood.

An option many Namibians have been turning to is becoming an au pair in other countries. When you Google what an au pair is, you get answers such as “a young foreign person, typically a woman, who helps with housework or childcare in exchange for food, a room and some pocket money”. But that is only part of the truth.

'Chance of a lifetime'

Carla’s Au Pairs, an agency in Namibia and member of the International Au Pair Association (IAPA) said "being an au pair is a wonderful way to take a gap year and see more of the world. It’s the chance of a lifetime to go work overseas, while experiencing the culture of a foreign country and meeting interesting people along the way".

It added that being an au pair involves providing childcare to the hosting family.

“An au pair is a ‘big sister’ who lives in a foreign country as an extended member of a well-screened host family. They provide childcare services in exchange for room, board a weekly/monthly stipend, and contributions towards education,” the company said.

Furthermore, most au pairs participate in a programme for the valuable cultural experience of living with a foreign family and are treated more as a member of the family than as an employee, it added.

Exciting opportunity

Carla's Au Pairs has also introduced an au pair academy, CAP Academy, aimed at providing free information sessions and shedding light on some frequently asked questions.

“Here, you will find free information sessions to enlighten you about au pairing abroad and to answer those frequently asked questions to ease your fears and concerns,” its website read.

Namibian Kaylile Campher is currently au pairing in Texas in the United States, and even though some of her responsibilities do include taking care of children, she also gets the opportunity to enroll in community college to study a degree of her choice.

Not only does she get to add on to her education, she gets to experience American culture.

“I am excited about the opportunity to attend community college here in Texas, and the family I live with are so supportive,” she said.

Advantages of becoming an au pair

- You get to study a new language, or in some countries, get to attend community college or a local university.

- You have paid holidays.

- Cultural exchange: You get to learn about a new culture and teach your host family about your culture

- An unforgettable experience!